Lotusmagic Lotusmagic is the silence transformed into a place where answers can be found... I am lotusmagic.... 020401
the queen of hearts your mother must be very proud.

Lotusmagic I am GOD 020427
Lotusmagic Queen of hearts--how did u find this word? 020427
Lotusmagic btw, queen of hearts, please don't infest this blathe with your blatherings.

Let me blather in peace.
the Queen of Hearts lotusmagic, your beauty is such that i shall take my corruption elsewhere. i would truly hate to tarnish such poetic, deep and meaningful blathes as "I am GOD" with any words of intellegence or thought.

you are welcome to your small world. dont let me open your eyes for you.
Lotusmagic queen of hearts-- i suppose all ur bitching and whining on blather constitutes as 'poetic, deep and meaningful'?!

My intention on blather is not to be 'poetic, deep and meaningful'..I enjoy this site, I enjoy blathering nonsensical crap.

Words mean nothing to me. But here, they almost do.

My eyes dont need opening- go to my site http://www.lorinda.vze.com -- U shall also see what i mean by 'god'.

Why are u so nasty to everyone? I don't want to fight with you....
secret ? 020613
kerry you ARE blathing nonsensical crap. take your narcissism elsewhere. it's disgusting. 020613
what's it to you?
who go