unhinged he wanted to write me letters
he had plenty of time to think about
what a dick he was
and no drugs to make the pain go_away

know_any_felons ?

statistics don't relay the suffering and futility
unhinged this whole story began with his uncle sexually abusing him when he was so young all he could do was hide it in the dark deep recesses of his mind that later got opened with hallucinogens. then, like many victims of child abuse, he started doing drugs, eventually leading to heroin_

people like my dad can say what they want, locking him up for that is absurd to me. and when he goes in this time he might never come out. that is what america does to victims of child abuse. we let them become full blown heroin addicts and then we thrown them in prison for it. how was america ever great with a track record like that?
unhinged all i can do now

what's it to you?
who go