wingedSerpent i got buckets of it.

damn skippy.
oldephebe what would be the half life of a brain cell..not..ah forget it ..i was gonna try and make a joke about alchohol and brain cells and rate of cognitive was going to be real nifty..a tidy ironic encapsulation of the culture or something...blech 040130
Nukemall wheres the gargle beast when you need it. 040131
quotree "The point? The community is hardly dead. And the usual advice applies: anyone who wants more signal and less noise should generate more signal, not just complain about the noise. As I like to say, it's easy to hit the 'Delete' key, but my keyboard has no 'Create' key." -Tim May 040412
- - 060622
dafremen free to decide is what i've never been
choice they say
being way beyond my abilities
i sold my dreams
for a handful of magic beans

twenty years ago walked into a factory
stamped and stained
until the day they were done with me
i gave my days away
so they could milk my energy
what's it to you?
who go