frAnk what would life be like if nothing went wrong? what would it be for? 020615
frAnk i'm sorry...dafremen 020615
Dafremen It would be beautiful for just so long...then everything would seem so....mediocre. I wrote a poem about it, I believe you will find it on the meet_roger_dafremen blather. It's called perfect_paradise.

It is the imperfect times that make the perfect times seem so lovely really. It's the opposite effect which makes the ultra rich so miserably unhappy after awhile and even more so when the money is gone. It is the suffering of the poor man through the early years of his life, that makes his struggle more bearable as the years go on. For excruciating poverty begets satisfaction with less severe poverty. Pain begets satisfaction with mere discomfort, starvation begets satisfaction with mere hunger and appreciation for a full belly. A perfect world would be perfectly miserable, my friend. Thank goodness for all that I have been given the privilege of suffering throughout my life. I thank my lucky stars for all of my lucky scars everyday.
Dafremen See also: INNERVIEWS_DAFREMEN 020616
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