unhinged breathe_in

stand in it
smell it
touch it
hear it
love it
hate it

Risen I am still waiting for you. In a way, it feels like I've spent half my life waiting for you. On the off chance you'll turn up.

Waiting. Putting on the heater so that my room is the temperature you prefer. Finding something gluten free which you could eat. Making sure my room is tidy, in good order. Shaving my legs.

I know it is foolish. I know that there is no chance, but still, I find myself waiting. Hoping. The world feels flat. Empty.

I search for clues. I think maybe your silences are hints that you are on your way. I look at the backgrounds of ten second photos to see if maybe they might be of the train which would carry you to me.

I think about the day that you will keep your promise. The day that we are owed. The day we deserve.

I am still waiting.
unhinged i am tired of waiting but i guess waiting is all i can do 140527
what's it to you?
who go