dafremen For me, one of the surest signs that I'm living in a society of aged adolescents is that most folks still believe the fairy tales they were told as children and in school:

That the benevolent and loving society would find a place for them, value their talents, enrich their lives, leaving happier, healthier people wherever society and the individual cooperate with one another.

Meanwhile, back in adult land, we're looking at a veneer of that fiction, behind which a vast landscape of domesticated human animals are milked of their brightest and most productive years, for the profit of people they do not know. They are fenced in by their psychology. Scared of their own shadows and the very nature which produced our species. It's sad and plucks the heartstrings at first.

Then you try to bust a hole in the fence to find a bit of freedom. That's when the first of the zombie children will begin their wailing alarm:

"Someone has broken the rules of our benevolent, generous society, which loves us so thoroughly and treats us so well. Let's punish them until they see how important it is to cooperate..and do as we do."
what's it to you?
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