thatdamnbird tucked into the corner of another city's corridor_of_shadows

the view from the window was lovely but no match for the company i was keeping
daxle I, afraid to look up at you and reveal through my eyes what pleasure the taste gave me
"it's only food" I thought
comeonnnight after a while i realized that we were submerged in one of those rare moments in which all involved tacitly accept that breaking the silence would be breaking the sanctity of it.
i did the only thing i could have done in that situation, sullied her aristocratic air, and offered her a jelly filled donut.

she had dined on fugu and witnessed the taj mahal, lost herself in the garden labyrinths of france and ridden camelback through the saharas. she was a woman who had acquired a taste for the world of exotica.

and yet here she was chasing her meal of delicacies down with the most extraordinary dessert.

her eyes feasted on filthy men in decomposing urban fur, bag ladies and swirling grime devils, street walkers playing hide and go seek with their johns in a playground of decrepit industrial shadows.and as if to cement the deal she bit in with all of the abandon of someone with raspberry goo running down their chin
egger sweet and delicate scents 040409
birdmad undissolved crystals of raw sugar in iced tea, a raspberry on a stirring stick, a bottle of orangina

chocolate, pistachios and flecks of gold leaf


shadows and traffic

what's it to you?
who go