twiggie i feel lost. 010112
unhinged yeah 010112
chanaka wha? i thought.....but....oh, okay. 010113
Quiggz Who am you?
What are I?
Make we stop!
kelli crane where am i?
where are my clothes?
chiken get high all the time i see! 031029
jane disoriented_april 031029
icy i'm confused by this word...
"disorientate (v) : cause to be lost or disoriented"
so, you can disorientate someone, but you can't be both disorientated and grammatically correct at the same time. something like irregardless...
me Im disorientated oblivious and lovin it!!! 040317
charlene help me this supermarket is confusing me i dont know where i am!!! Bread or butter!!! 040317
elisabeth42 I almost black out when I stand up. Sometimes walking feels like a mixture of floating and falling, up, down. When I look at the world, sometimes it looks like a cartoon but not exactly... I mean to say it looks very unreal. I'll see something out of the corner of my eye. What was that??? It's gone.

It doesn't feel quite right... I'm confused. Is it insanity? The drugs? Starvation? Insomnia? Something in the air?

Or is this natural, and I'm just analyzing it to the point of it appearing strange & foreign? I don't even care. I'm disoriented. It's kind of nice. w00t.
nom i confused disoriented with deteriorated 060926
three words waiting_for_my_love sweep disorientated 061109
what's it to you?
who go