andru235 i walked into the sandwich shop, and cut ahead of the customers waiting in line.

banging my fist on the counter, i thundered, "give me a job at once!"

the guy behind the counter gave me a strange look, and said, "uh...we aren't even hiring right now."

"not even megalomaniacs?" i asked meekly.

he exchanged glances with his co-worker, "whaddya mean?"

i regained my confidence. "i am a megalomaniac and you would do well to hire me at once!" i declared loudly. i turned to face the customers and winked at them.

the co-worker jumped in, "hey, we aren't hiring for *nobody*. if you wanna sandwich you can wait in line like aehryone else."

i sat down on the floor and burst into tears. a child asked her mother, "mom, what is that man over there doing?"

the mom point to the wooden paneling on the side of the counter. "look, Erika, wood paneling! don't you just love wood paneling?"

after a moment i realized that crying on the floor of a sandwich shop is no station for a megalomaniac, even though you'd totally think so if you weren't one. so i stood up and stomped right on out of the sandwich shop. i noticed that there was a dry cleaning facility next door...
andru235 dry_cleaners_refuses_to_hire_megalomaniac 051024
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