bijou frente_sandinista_liberacion_nacional named after augusto cesar sandino, who led a peasant army against US marines who had occupied Nicaragua since 1912. the Sandinistas were intent on pusuing their own destiny rather than existing as a backyard for US business and millitary interests. 010813
joe strummer the magnificent seven!!! 010813
art crimes "Since they didn't have newspapers to speak about how they saw the world, they would take over the walls and use them as newspapers or to speak specifically about people who were 'missing'. The layers of writing were always interesting to me. In one case, a neighborhood had been forced to paint over a consigna [watchword or password] with white paint. Then someone had scratched into the white paint 'Monimbo [a neighborhood in Managua] will never surrender' so that the original paint came through. And then on top of that: 'Where is Norman Gonzales? The dictatorship must answer.' So it's like the walls are this constant dialogue."

as said by Susan Meiselas, photographer in Nicaragua
splinken you'll never come home to me. you never ever will. 030418
in a silent way it ain't my fault it's six o'clock in the morning 160912
unhinged bernie_sanders sided with the sandinistas back in the day and hillary had a field day. to me, all that proves is bernie has been on message for about 40 years 160912
epitome of incomprehensibility My mom had a book on her bookshelf called "Solidarity with the People of Nicaragua."

I liked the rhythm of the phrase before I knew what "solidarity" meant.
what's it to you?
who go