larla i spent the last hour and a half watching an unpleasant frontline episode. i never want to watch tv again. fortunately for me, someone is lighting fireworks out my window. the world is better again. 000516
friend .
get a round the world ticket love.
you won't regret it.
as 4 T.V. stop watching it and live in it for a while.
as mama Hana said "don't be lazy" however you don't need drugs for this,
we all make mistakes.
but we would never learn if we didn't.
suffering makes you wiser,
don't hide in a shell, move in it.
you don't have to sceam and shout to let everyone know that you are there.
if you are at peace with yourself you won't need to.
P.S. .
I know that you are a wise one anyway.
I know that you know everything,
I know that you are kind,
I know that you are in top form,
i know that you are fun to be around,
I know who you are,
And I hate newspapers too!
where's the truth ?
it's in you.
you need personal proof of everything.
there's too much trickery in this world.
what's it to you?
who go