salty pepper jesus_tapdancing_christ 020719
farmfuckinfish sometimes i be sayin. shit like jesus fuck, but it's not intentionally blasphemous, it's more like i'm callin' out to thee lord to recognize me failure. know what um sayin'? 020719
me... yeah. 021208
Dafremen oh yea. 021208
jesus oh yeah christ
do it to me harder!
god i think i'm going crazy
her left eye is lazy
she looks so israeli
rhin they say jesus fucking christ is the fucking reason we even have a fucking chance in hell. 030128
rhin forgive me. 030128
mags my dad used to say jesus fucking christ when he was annoyed when I was a kid, mostly when he was angry at (the greedy lying stupid) conservative politicians on tv. I never understood what it ment until i started learning english at school.
He still says it, and for the same reasons.
TalviFatin this even possible? Jesus is Christ,supposedly. would be like saying.."Jesus fucks himself"...? 030313
wingedSerpent sounds like force_majeure taken to a perverse extreme 030313
celestias shadow so if TalviFatin is right, then.....but, I thought Catholics were against that.....dammit, now I'm confused! 030902
what's it to you?
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