User24 blathes I intend to blathe to, but don't have time riht now.

User24 what_is_your_first_memory 030508
User24 100_facts_about_me 030508
User24 things_i_want_on_a_tshirt 030508
User24 degrees_of_oblivion 030508
User24 sagittarius 030508
User24 imagination 030508
User24 blather_is_my_greatest_secret 030508
User24 socrates 030508
User24 blather_syndicate 030508
User24 thought_for_the_how_tall_are_you_etc_blathes 030508
User24 ha! I just noticed I'd already blathed under socrates 030508
frAnk user24 is very cool. he is the blather-herald. 030508
User24 thankyou.

what exactly do you mean by herald, though? as it's not in common usage, you could mean several things, methinks..
User24 from

A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.

One that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger: The crocus is a herald of spring.

An official whose specialty is heraldry.

An official formerly charged with making royal proclamations and bearing messages of state between sovereigns.

An official who formerly made proclamations and conveyed challenges at a tournament.

do I fall under those categories? I feel honored if you think so.
little bug im kinda tall for my age... 030510
frAnk you proclaim to the blue world the important com-tech shit we need to know about and you do alot of behind the scene wizardry that often goes unappreciated.

User24 thankyou very much..

I guess I just play around, and luckily most of the time my playing has a positive effect (or at least it doesn't backfire)

but I think you might be taking me for someone from newdream; I'm just another blatherskite.

thankyou again :)
meta meta 060515
what's it to you?
who go