newme have_you_seen 040712
The_Missing_Dot (: 040712
:) The_Missing_Dot 040712
Syrope i'm afraid our sex will never be making love, just each of us escaping to orgasms. over and over, mind you, but still sort of empty.

i find myself unsure of how to use the word "boyfriend"...i've told both of the guys of my harem who've tried to solicit sex from me since friday that i do now have a boyfriend so they should probably look elsewhere.

there are people in my life who i cannot fuck. any skin-on-skin contact with them IS making love and will never be anything less. but for us, i'm not sure how to get there.
somebody 070731
kuffsleeve my cat is missing, he died yesterday, i will save a sad cat as my prayer. he is peaceful now because it is the best thing to believe. 070801
Ouroboros blather moderator 070802
the evaporator The head of Barry_Rodriguez on a pike 070802
what's it to you?
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