m137 ohhh nooo!! their's little black and white monsters everywhere! 070707
forsaken by a toaster clerbloinkula! ahahaha 070707
m137 Do you even realize how this makes WKY and I feel? You have entered the realm of the black and white monsters. What's clerbloinkula?

We Kill You does not support violence. The name comes from the expression "You Kill Me!" used when something is really funny. Based out of toronto, WKY is a team: The Ghost, The Bat, The Sasquach, The Bunny, The Bear, The Ape looking to put a smile on your face! Spreading like butter on a hot day, WKY has been seen popping up all over the place!

WKY is an Exterior Decorating project who decorate the streets by recycling furniture found in garbages and cover walls of abandon buildings with collages and creatures. Our goal is simple: make the world a happier place!

m137 BTW, you need to cut out that "clerbloinkula" crap. It's getting far beyond the level of redundancy. You have to get bored with that sometime or another. 070710
severon HEY! Can you guys decorate my bathroom for me? 070712
severon I think I may have seen your tags here in PA 070712
Question man that's strange 070719
what's it to you?
who go