Norm Again... 010926
Norm I got a little carried away again tonight. 011003
nocturnal is it better to be too drunk for a weeknight or too stoned? methinks it's better to be drunk. in many ways it's not as debilitating. 011003
Norm no
nocturnal well I think you're wrong. and I'm right cuz I'm always right. 011003
Norm again
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee norm, you suck. nocturnal's right. nocturnal is way better than you. you totally blow. 011004
nocturnal thanks. I don't know who you are, but you rock, meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 011004
blurred-mad i was yesterday,
see cigarette_lighter
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee thank you, nocturnal!!!!!!!! you rock too! I am a fan of yours. yeay.

by the way, how annoying is it that norm spelled 'too' 'to'? argh. that sucks shit. or maybe I'm just way too anal. either way, it annoyed the hell out of me.
nocturnal I HATE THAT! but I let it slide. it's one of my serious pet peeves. that and people using the term "pet peeves." 011004
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee nocturnal: YEAY!!!!! I have the same issue about having a pet peeve about the term pet peeve! shit. you're cooler by the minute. 011004
nocturnal alright, now I'm too drunk for a week night. god damn martinis. I love those things...I think too much. oh well. liz is happy and that's all that matters. 011004
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee nocturnal, did you read my note to you? :( i feel ignored. 011004
nocturnal yeah, I read your note.
and god damnit. now I'm too drunk AND too stoned for a weeknight.
what's it to you?
who go