birdmad rainy evening flashback
summer thunderstorm
not quite dark outside yet
hours of rain in the morning brought the army of toads out of the riverbottom like a biblical plague, erupting from backyards and vacant lots, lain dormant since the last major storm like this spawned a breeding frenzy

river toads

running across the park and over to a friends house

walking up the street and seeing an odd, horrible, fascinating and (in its own tracig way) amusing sight as i come up the walk way

one of the toads in the gutter takes a really high arching hop and ends up impaling itself unwittingly on one of the spiny agave fronds

being an eleven-yer old with a fondness for horror movies, i thought it was kinda cool in a sad way

i mean, hey, what were the odds, really

35th avenue and broadway were practically slick with roadkilled amphibians, but of all the ways they met their ends, this was the most unlikely

and how so many survived the speedway parking lot during the peak of the summer race season is still beyond me

but i suppose i shouldn't laugh
being a bird has always meant the incipient risk of windowpanes airplanes and powerlines
eklektic las rana venenosas fosforescentas = neon colored poison dart frogs 021121
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