red tree i think your stuffed whale was my favorite piece.
how did your art come to be?
greenpeace why do they KILL whales in JAPAN, they are amazing animals and they taste like shit. it's fucked up isn't it Prince boy. Jimmy will fix it for you, i know he will. Throw the corprate parties in the fucking bin if you want to be a business women, make a real party for REAL people. Maybe there is a gobal warming problem because we live in a CAPITALIST WORLD, ever think of that one, we need so much packaging because because because WHY, because people like their status and their struggle to get material things. 070718
good for you thorn...good for you! 070718
thorn yeah, that was actually not me, although i do agree with basically everything they said.

i don't really know how my art came to be, exactly. i have always been creating all kinds of art, since i was very young, and it's just who i am. also i have gone to special art programs, including the governor's school for the arts in norfolk, which is a very good school.

i make a lot of different types of art: i make mixed media sculptures, i make photographs, sometimes 2-d mixed media pieces, all kinds of stuff. i'm very interested in the body, connections, what makes us human, everything.

and also the stuffed animals i am making because i enjoy them and so do other people and i need money so i am trying to sell them.

is the whale you are speaking of the tiedye whale?
thorn also a lot of it comes from buddhism.

i will try to post some pictures for you online if you like, on my facebook or something.
red tree you say you've been doing art since you were young.
do you remember the first art you did?
do you see signs of evolution in your design style?
what do you think they are based on?
i love the tie dye whale! 070720
Aqua Ashram whats with your "KUFFED" tie dye t-shirt?

i've got a new t-shirt range coming out! who wants to do the typography?
let me know a.s.a.p.

i've got waterfall coupons in exchange, it's an OP if you don't want it, don't contact me on my personal email address.
thorn I don't understand that last post!

Thank you, I think the tie-dye whale is pretty cute too. (She is down to $10 because I need to get rid of her.)

I don't really remember my first art, I know I used to draw a lot of animals and dinosaurs and stuff. In third grade a made a sculpture of an alien that sucked up pollution.

My design style is definitely evolving. In my 2-d work, it is being influenced by tattoo art, graffiti and street art, and Buddhist art, as well as the other artists around me and the artists I am inspired by. I don't think the evolution of my sculptures is really based on any specific thing, although right now I am really into fiber sculptures which was largely influenced by one particular artist whose name I can't recall right now.
thorn And in general I think my design is just becoming more sophisticated, I have made so much progress just in the last year. 070722
red tree take me through a typical thorn summer day... 070723
thorn a typical thorn summer day begins around 10-11 in the morning when i wake up, then i just chill for a while, reading or watching movies. sometimes i have shrink appointments. i spend a lot of time in the middle of the day sewing and taking care of/playing with my animals also. in the afternoon sometimes i hang out with my friends, or go to the oceanfront or the hippie stores there. i make most of my art at night, sometimes while watching movies. i like to have some kind of noise on in the background. my summer days are very unstructured. 070723
ano oh, but why do you need shrink appointments when you seem to be having fun now ?

it's not depressing when you have fun things to do.
thorn i need shrink appointments because i have bipolar and sometimes i need help keeping it together. also it is just really helpful for me to have a person who has to listen to me and a place to leave all of my crap.

but my shrink and i just decided to go to every other week instead of every week, because i am doing so much better than i was a year ago. i am genuinely happy with myself and who i am now.
thorn the artist who really influenced me whose name i forgot is heidi cregge. 070801
red tree what's up with your wrecked car? 070802
thorn god i have no idea, the body shop hasn't called yet but it's gonna be expensive, it's hard to find parts for a '90 landcruiser. and my family isn't sure if we're gonna be able to afford to fix it or buy a new car. basically as of right now i'm kind of fucked. 070803
red tree have you ever been to nantucket? 070805
thorn no, but i would like to. 070805
thorn i like to travel a lot. 070805
red tree where have you been? 070805
thorn london, edinburgh, athens, mykonos, santorini, crete, rhodes, patmos, a city on the western coast of turkey whose name i can't recall, most of the east coast including maryland, dc, delaware, massachusetts (boston and somewhere else), maine, north carolina, georgia, florida including key west which i like, washington state, illinois, and i think that's it. also i live in virginia. 070805
thorn ephesus is the turkish city. 070805
red tree and so, tell me about greece...perhaps that's too general...what lasting impressions do you possess of greece? 070928
thorn i love greece, it was amazing. athens is such a combination of ancient things and new things, and it just has this really excellent atmosphere that so many different things are happening. also it is very pretty, especially some of the islands. i loved santorini and mykonos. they are all old-style white houses, and there is this huge bird of some sort that just chills in mykonos and everyone loves him. 071021
redTree what do you think about when you look at the photography of paul_paper? 080311
thorn mostly i am overwhelmed by the simultaneous beauty/joy and melancholy loneliness. the photos are gorgeous and i feel how beautiful the world is, but at the same time there is so much sadness.

looking at them sometimes reminds me of my loneliness, how i want a person to be with (i learnt to appreciate, broken moments I). i think how i want always to see that beauty, to never lose the sense of wonder i see in his photos.

i also think how much i admire his photography, how i want mine to be like that and my art to affect people like his affects me.

he is a nice guy, i emailed him a while ago and he's pretty cool. also i liked his old site better, this new one has a lot less of his photos.
redTree nicely said. i definately see that as well...

how do you think one can possess the ability to always see beauty?
thorn i think you can always see beauty by simply looking for it. it is always there somewhere, under all the crap of the world. you just have to be aware and find it. 080312
r e d t r e e in love what is the crap of the world? 080314
thorn to be vague, everything bad that goes on. violence killing intolerance hatred wars general negativity etc. 080314
redTree what are you living for?
what would you die for?
what would you kill for?
. . 080514
redTree you have been chosen as the world's new super hero, but you can possess only one power that you must select from the following two choices...

1. the ability to fly
2. the ability to be invisible

which one do you choose? why?
what will you call yourself?
thorn i'd want to fly. i could just leave.

i often feel like i am invisible, anyway.

i will give this more thought and come back later.
redTree what are the top five events of your life this year? 081209
what's it to you?
who go