mmm i sliced my thumb open again, it had just healed up from the last time i cut it open..
having my thumb all bandaged up and not using it makes it rather hard for me to type right now... well not very hard, just difficult. i only really use it for spaces but it still makes it hard.
ClairE 1. When you are an idiot.

Saddest when you have no excuse.

2. When you are Sti. But according to Heinlein, "Little girls, like butterflies, need no_excuse."
anti-social butterfly it's very hard to type when you are drunk, which i guess i proved the other day. maybe i should take norm's advice (bacardi_151) and go to school drunk so i get practice with spelling when i am drunk. good idea. think i should try it this week. 011202
god it's very hard to type with your dick, but i am finally getting some fine motor skills down there. next, i think i'll try playing my harpsichord with ol' willie. 011203
Effingham Fish Fingers are too cold. I'm surprised I haven't misspelled my name, yet. 011203
nom and it's hard not to type 051112
andru235 everything's hard! 051112
falling_alone my fingers are bandaged as well. i don't have much luck with x-acto knives. 051113
what's it to you?
who go