Rowbes Rowbes serves up an endless dessert to make you feel better, e.d.
He tops it with peanuts, whipped cream, gummy bears and that cool chocolate stuff that hardens when it's cold.

wishes he could do more.
endless desire Rowbes is awesome and made me feel endlessly better just by replying in such a cheerful manner.
Rowbes also made me very hungry.

likes Rowbes a lot.
Rowbes likes you too 030604
x ice cream is bad in the eyes of chinese medicine 030605
truncated ice cream, and saliva is catapulted by sound
the air is violated
a sweet girl rowbes, the chocolate stuff that turns hard was called 'tip-tap'.

i found this at the grocery store, but it's now called 'hershey's shell'.

and please, put LOTS on my sundae.

i can't get enough of that. or you, if you're serving ice cream with tip-tap.
Rowbes Tip-tap is on me, everyone!
(not literally, but that could be fun too!)

was here
endless desire i honestly don't like that chocolate stuff very much. 030607
endless desire and i need some ice cream right now.
because now i am sick
and my parents don't care about me.
and they won't let me go to bed.
i don't understand.
god, how long until i'm allowed to move out?
what's it to you?
who go