sab all the time 040513
Squalidangel I fall in love with people too
Happy ones,sad ones and lively one too.
I fall in love with people who aren't like me.
I fall in love with people I want to be.
notme love_you_all 040513
Doar and then I towel love off. 050802
Doar and pass dry towels to the others. 050802
akuma aoi and they make sure i end up regretting it 050802
LS Did they say that? Every single one of them made it a goal to punish you for loving them? Thats ass. Stick a fork in their eye. 050802
jeff tweedy it's a drag i snag
i'm always in love
birdmad they didn't say it, but sure enough, that was how it turned out.

as for that last one, though, i won't waste the fork unless it'll provoke an answer to the questions i've posed on another blathe
pete then i usually forget to see if they've fallen in love with me too 050802
misstree and when it's fleeting,
no longer than a bus ride,
it's best.
no time for disappointment.
hsg love is good 050803
unhinged and then i don't tell them
and then i sit around and get mopey
when they find someone
or pissed
if they turn out to be a douchebag

it's what i do
what's it to you?
who go