icy and i don't want the world to see me,
but i know others would understand -
at least to a certain degree.
would they empathise - or sympathise -
with the plight i have tripped myself into?
It can only be a cage of my own making,
my own construct, solid steel bars

I turn out the light,
and do not allow myself to look beyond,
into the darkness, blinding myself,
to all that i may have known before.
the true barriers and self-constructed.
whether they are bridges not crossed,
paths not followed, roads not taken -
they do not bring us to a warm glow
of gentle wondering, simple thought -
no, we allow our self-made barriers
to hold us back, obstruct the true paths.

To allow ourselves light to walk the path,
that would be the simplest thing -
...simple, but not easy.
As i think of it, the barriers loom above me,
soaring off, their heights lost
in clouds of self-doubt, and self reproach.
i make them insurmountable,
me, with my own strength.
Or is it cowardice?
icy dammit, and to think i didn't proofread...
"the true barriers *are* self-constructed."
notme from me 040602
notme please 040602
what's it to you?
who go