Hooray! "The causes we know everything about depend on causes we know very little about, which depend on causes we know absolutely nothing about." ~ Tristan Tzara

(And so on forever)
z it is an infinite regress 080331
They call me Truth I am trying to wrap my head around that one. Can someone explain this to me??? 080331
() (in an empirical system of truth, causality always has a source; it is never a property of the subject of study. if we seek to establish cause for something, then we must establish the cause of it's cause, and the cause of that etc. eventually we reach a level of abstraction against which empirical evidence is no longer useful, so we extrapolate the causal chain beyond that. if we keep seeking back beyond that, we will ultimately find that we must abandon necessary connection for lack of proof. ignoring this, we can extend our assumptions towards infinity, never finding the ultimate cause. infinite regress.) 080331
unhinged buddhism_vs_nihilism

faith that the ultimate cause lies in goodness. the difference between religion and philosophy. all of us ache for survival, but only some of us have the sentience to survive without hurting others.
unhinged bodhisattva_vow 080331
h|s|g Z, that was well_said 111104
() (thank you) 111104
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who go