unhinged i love thom yorke 020214
tourist Kansas 020214
freakizh flat??! thom yorke is beautifully filled with ideas! he has a tummy with philosophical interior. 020519
unhinged listen to a live recording. i didn't mean it like that. 020520
Kate Perhaps my body type.

"What are they doing back there?" you asked. "He's just sleeping on her chest," he replied.
freakizh explain yourself unhinged.
i might be wrong ep is awesome.

i'm eager to listen
Photophobe loves Thom Yorke he's flat like a jazz singer, but only when he's not trying 020521
unhinged i agree, that ep is awesome. he sings flat in a...well...charming sort of way. i love thom yorke also.

the percussion art ensemble at my school transcribed packt like sardines in a crushd tin box and they performed it at the butler today. it was amazing.
unhinged i read today that thom_yorke saw jeff_buckley live and jeff made him cry. then the next day radiohead went into the studio and nailed down the recording of one of their better known songs that had been troubling them for days.

i love that jeff influenced thom. it speaks to the musicologist in me.
sab gods, i really need one.

somewhere with a balcony
and a bath
unhinged i do yoga to thom_yorke

i've smoked to thom_yorke

i've had out_of_body_experience s to thom_yorke

what's it to you?
who go