mikey so bored 010311
nocturnal boreder 010311
Aimee boredest 010311
johnny west boredless! 010311
mikey yup. still am 010311
Frizzie Know what I do when im bored...
I sleep, isn't that boring.
johnny west Actually, it's kind of nice...
Just sleeping and doing nothing...
mikey i love taking naps 010311
johnny west me too. but it's weird when you take a nap at 3 or 4 pm, and then you wake up at 7 or 8 and it's dark outside. that always throws me off. and it messes up my eating/sleeping patterns. i think it's been at least half a year since i've taken a nap. maybe i should nap more often. 010311
mikey i love it 010311
nocturnal I am so incredibly bored right now, it's ridiculous. I should probably go to sleep, but for some reason or another I'd rather stay up and do this, uh, nothing I guess. boredom sucks. a lot. 010311
nocturnal yup. I am bored. again. this sucks. *sigh* 010622
handyman-mode namae *takes all the boreds and builds a fence* 010801
nocturnal the fence of boredom. I wonder what it's keeping in...or out? 010802
psychobabe fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i am so bored!
i think i'm going to die cuz i'm so damn bored, gerrrrrrr *is getting pissed*
psychobabe blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i'm booored again..
*sigh* what to do what to do what to do today? hmmmmm.......well it makes me feel better to konw that
Toxic_kisses Today is very boring,
it's a very boring day,
there is nothing much to look @
there is nothing much to say,
there's a peacock on my sneakers,
there's a penguin on my head,
there's a dormouse on my doorstep,
I'm going back to bed.
Today is very boring
it is boring though and though,
there is absolutely nothing
that I think I want to do,
I see giants riding rinos,
and an orge w/ a sword,
there's a dragon blowing smoke rings,
I am positively bored.
Today is very boring
I can hardly help but yawn,
there's a flying saucer landing in my lawn,
a volcano just erupted
less than half a mile away,
and I think I felt an earthquake,
It's a very boring day
This poem ALWAYS comes to mind when ever I hear or see the word bored
terracotta I'm bored. 020625
spades41 its late at night, my roomate is snoring, and i am so bored 021117
User24 nice poem. 030401
een stom kind im always bored. 99% of the time, if someone asks me whatsup? im like. nothing. im bored.
all my friends are sick of hearing that word.
la la la yo people suck morons 031001
jinx *throws herself onto the floor in a fit*

fucking bored...
Lost Among the Storm I've never known this...bored. What does it do, exactly? 031230
lenore i should be at my boyfriends house. but my mom decided to pick me up when she felt like it. we hardly got to spend any time together. and all of my friends are at a basketball game so im sitting at home on a saturday night like a dork. 040117
tilt out of my skull.
i got out o bed ay 2:30pm
i've been awake since 8, just staring.
tilt 1.18am... 060115
nom bored bored bored bored bored bored bored 060710
native persimmon aaaah boredom makes me disgusted with myself, I'm reaching the pathetic conclusion I can't pull myself out of this state of mind on my own, and yet no one is around to smack me. 060711
nom still bored 060711
nom boreder by the day 060725
nom boreder and boreder 060726
kerry by the end of our 90 minute session all three of us were totally exhausted. there had been a long span of silence, which i interrupted using one of the recycled phrases that come out of my mouth during sessions so often now:
"i'm going to do that annoying therapist thing where i sit quietly and let you take it from here."
he had his neck craned back against the couch and was staring coldly at the ceiling. her legs were crossed tight and one ankle was bobbing up and down, causing her flip flop to wave around under her foot.
("i don't understand how anyone can wear flip-flops in the city. did they take the train? my god, i hope not. you never know what you'll step in. fucking idiots." i was cranky and tired.)
when the session was over they trudged out and i shut the door and laid on the floor. then i put on my shorts and sneakers and took the train a couple stops towards my house, walked down mifflin, went into the tap room.
i got out my notepad, ostensibly to record all my impressions of and questions about the session and where the hell we would go from there. i ordered a maker's on the rocks without thinking.
the bartender had a piercing on the bridge of his nose. probably others, but because it was between his eyes, that's where my eyes went. he was soft-spoken. he wore a shirt with cher on it.
finally i gave up on working and told him i liked his shirt. he said he made it.
we talked about screen printing. we talked about diy and his love for bjork. he gave me his phone with his instagram pulled up so i could scroll and see all the other shirts he'd made. he left his phone with me to grab food from the kitchen and talk to other customers.
i went back and forth between reading and idly chatting. i ordered a couple of drinks. i had the distinct feeling that i was giving up on something. i kept hearing the word "mischief", unfurling like a flag in my mind's eye.
at one point when he was still drifting back and forth behind the bar, he'd paused in front of me and said in a mild voice, "are you bored?"
the question startled me. "like in this moment? or in general?"
he shrugged.
"yes, i am incredibly bored. god yes."
it was shift change. he transferred my tab and ordered himself a salad. sat by me. he was very harmless-seeming. our conversation was light, not banter but easy, platonic, sexless, which was (i realized later) a relief, to talk to a man around my age that i didn't already know, and not feel like i had to brace myself for any creepiness or threat.
he'd just bought a house nearby. we were practically neighbors. he only worked at the bar on tuesdays, this was a side gig. he was trying to get the t-shirt thing off the ground.
("yeah, good luck." still residues of crankiness, made a bit fuzzy from the bourbon.)
he finished his salad and said he better get going. he asked if i wanted a ride, since we both lived so close. he offered it in a voice like he didn't care if i declined, like he was holding a door open for me, just being polite. he mentioned as if he'd forgotten that he rode a motorcycle.
"do you have a spare helmet?" i asked. i wouldn't have taken him up on the offer anyway, but for some reason i didn't feel like saying no outright. he still seemed so benign.
"no, no i don't." he laughed. "i don't even have one helmet."
"ha!" it just popped out, almost a bark.
"i know, it's stupid."
i nodded.
he said take good care and told me his name. i forgot it by the time i walked out the door.
nr so it's pretty cool how you can be not at all bored while reading about someone else's boredom. kerry, i love your slice-of-life writing. 220908
nr i don't really get bored so much as lonely or depressed. or if i am bored, i'm bored/tired of certain patterns. 220908
kerry thank you, nr!
and i can relate... now that i'm thinking about it, boredom for me is usually a feeling of emptiness, and loneliness and depression feel so empty.
what's it to you?
who go