kingsuperspecial note to self

cocktails are not food

'The Matrix' is not sleep.

(a) sleepy
TerraCotta yawn...
are contagious!
kerry half dreaming
hopefully i'm not completely making everything up lately
the way your room was all cedar
and you're wearing
linen... sigh. i don't understand
and i don't understand the blankets on the floor
like when i used to camp out in the living room when i was little
i miss that
i miss you and i miss stealing your watch
and hopefully i'll be seeing some of you soon
maybe it will snow again like it did this time last year
and we will go sledding in zach's backyard
and everything will repeat wonderfully.
no reason everything is exhausted
nothing can do anything
unhinged i am so fucking exhausted. i want things to be the way they were two months ago. time travel anyone? 100205
amy costs nada uh-uh. i firmly believe that the future is always more favorable than the past. although, chances are it may be more irreconcilable, or difficult, it is always headed in the right direction. the biggest problem being worry about the future, which is one method of actually solving problems before they harm you.

besides that, being aligned with the future ensures gratitude for what may be. now, extreme case, if i die of breast cancer, at least my immortal soul knows that this particular human body didn't know how to cope with abnormal cell growth in that location. i don't know this for sure, but from an immortal soul perspective that could be very valuable information and give me a lot of insight into the life just lived and could point me in a better direction. similarly for lesser ills, learning from painful mistakes is almost always fruitful in the long run.

so, see, the more expansive your perspective the more the past is receding since it's being obliterated by new experiences. which is kind of weird, because you're supposed to hold on to "good times" so they feed and nourish you into the future. it's never worked for me like that, because of these processes i just explained. the work comes in reconciling the future with the present or past, which can be done in night dreams and keeping off facebook, or so it seems, as far as i'm concerned.

i look forward to the future, as long as things don't get absolutely, positively irreconcilable. that seems like it requires honesty, self-reflection, letting go, and a healthy and vocal unconscious to keep what's in the dark still available for surfacing any problems that might be stirring in the learning centers.

of course, i'm not that hedonistic and i don't particularly value my childhood so nothing really keeps me there, and it would be like reading a so-so novel all over again. i'm sure my more experienced self would be enlightened by what it saw in the past, but i so wouldn't want to be stuck there. actually i now think time travel would be more boring than this chronological life. considering that i'm now "stuck" in my childhood home, this attitude could be considered ironic, but the caveat here is that i had/have an illness that caused me to become very disoriented and lose control, so it was mostly about reducing city environment with no social network, which is impossible to build when you're so busy hallucinating. besides, i like the country. but i digress. i say keep stickin' with the future.
raze one leads to another
forming a chain of reflexive action
each link a pair of hand bellows
pumping air
into lungs that are never sated
what's it to you?
who go