perfectly_chaotic There I go making wishes again. After everything that went wrong, I just wish you still cared about me. I better go check in with reality now before I start pulling out my own hair. 110509
perfectly_chaotic so this is what happens when you forget to title a blathe. 110509
() (see: welcome_to_blather) 110509
() (i like your name, the tension in the connotations of the two words. i like that they are forced together; to play nice.) 110923
in a silent way holy hell. welcome back. 141112
flowerock I hope you find reality to be well and good.

And perfectly chaotic is a great word combo, I've always enjoyed organized_chaos as a thing and an action... organizing_my_chaos
unhinged hey

(not sure what else to say without being trite, but glad you are back)
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
what's it to you?
who go