squint (nothing hurts like your mouth)

sabbie hey squint
that one hit me too
right here.

but i have forgotten where it came from?
squint umm

its by bush--on razorblade suitcase...and i'm not sure of the title.
armored grendel mouth 020731
squint hehe

oh. yeah.
unhinged i don't know why this summer i was so affected by you when last summer all i had was a boy from tunisia asking me why i didn't have sex and a roommate from long island that didn't talk. people were so convinced, confused by us and i miss being quietly shocking while the guy turning the corner in his audi almost rear-ends the guy in front of him because he can't stop his gaping. you weren't the first person that told me i deserved things but your tears said so much more. i miss you jacob. my mind drifts to thoughts of you a million times a day. i have never had such pleasant daydreams. 020731
what's it to you?
who go