sameolme yesterday morning
It was the first time in a long time.
My dreams are starting to come back to me. My mind is on the mend.
Meandering through blather has been
for me a ....can't find the word(s).
Its been really, really, really good.
Theraputic meandering?
Thank you New Dream, for helping me retrieve my dreams.
nom beautiful 040326
no reason such a great feeling
it's been way too long
hsg you're_welcome 081003
In_Bloom A few weeks back, I did
They looked over at me and smiled and I waited until they went into the shower before I let myself laugh
Because I was so happy
Because I didn't want them to think I was laughing *at* them
I was just so filled with calm and that's worth a few laughs since after all, I am Irony's bitch
In_Bloom And Irony's bitch has reason to smile and laugh again 081007
what's it to you?
who go