the repeater i know jesus...i sit with him in dennys a lot....well at least he is my jesus. he would probably shake his head in his cup of coffee while he was tapping the ash off of his cigarette into the ash tray if i ever told him that. you are no christian if you think that you and yours are the only ones going to heaven. jesus loved everyone....why can't you? in some circles it is believed that jesus was buddhist, well a buddha actually. because if you compare the words in the bible about jesus to the words that buddhists have followed about shakamuni buddha and the others, he has much in common with all the other enlightened people in history. one of my friends thought that my lack of boyfriends was due to my love of jesus...i really never knew what jesus was until about a week ago..truly knew. is it that odd that at 19 i've only had 2 boyfriends? i don't think it is THAT odd and i know that jesus has nothing to do with it. my grandma is talking with jesus right now...i can feel their whispers on my

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