kamiwhodoesntmatter Because it would be the ultimate happy ending,
A warm sweater wrapped around me
Something to rub up against, like a lovesick cat
Some rock or anchor
Something to string me along, through the day
A promise, a certain knowledge of better things ahead

Because it would be the greatest treasure
A constant ally
Someone to think to
And whisper in the darkness to
Something to cling to
When nightmares grip my body
A testament to the fact that

Dreams can come true if held on to

Because it would be an end to longing
And a gate to certainty
Something sweet and tender
In a world of indignity and apathy
Someone to squawk semi-intelligently at
Someone to buy pillows with
Something warm when I feel cold
And cooling when I am fevered

Because it would be
The irony to end all ironies.
Syrope the lengths i go to to fulfill the hopes of someone else, anyone else, make the way i treat myself really quite inhumane

please need me
witchesrequiem Someone is waiting for me some where..
but I will not go to them, or have them come to me ...
I waited for them in pain and they never really came...
So I stopped waiting along time ago.

Now the only thing I wait for is the breeze right before the storm.
what's it to you?
who go