sabbie and i dreamed i worked far into the night,
constructing a woman already dead
out of human skin,
pigs bones
and trits and trinkets and trash.
farmfish and i dreamed me was in australia, no doubt 'bout it, actually there, the feel, the exotic nature was way too real to call it a dream, the elements contrary to me understandin' were all too explicit to deny.

greta and me, we was at thee family house in a friendlish neighbouhood. me 'members bein' outside sittin' on thee roof of a buildin', like a garage, noticin' the shoddy construction and all, and how it must leak, inside. i was enchanted ya see, for all things in thee house were australian, names of candy, and me was talkin' to kristen dunst about wine... there were large chickens walkin' 'bout like pets, ya see, and ponies in thee sunny, puffy-clouded backyard.
then, greta and me, we was taken to the public swimmin' pool and had tickets. me. mine was australian and greta, hers was american and we was bein' made fun of, we was, fer havin' odd tickets. coz we didn't know where to go, ya see. me 'members sayin' these 'uns are mean.
me keeped havin' trouble findin' a place called "the lowry" a term me figured was the dressin' room, all thee while continuin' to look for names of ice cream and snack areas.
what's it to you?
who go