seventeen middle school yearbooks, I'm terribly awkward. Not awkward like most middle school kids are awkward. More than that.

I don't know when/where I figured out what was socially desirable and normal, or when/where I figured out that it hardly mattered.

this doesn't matter. shitting from my brain, as usual.
sab becuase it seems like the best choice i have 040614
stork daddy you want to be accessible to the most possible people, so you play center. if they saw how much more like them you are than they are themselves, they might actually not even like you. no matter how much someone proclaims to have the same interest as you in any given thing. if yours is either stronger or weaker by even a little, which it always is, there is tension, and moments for lonliness and betrayal. 040615
Syrope i don't want to paw through the nest of knots i've pushed behind me

that one night, that was a mistake, but it taught me so much about what i want

so now do i trust it? do i trust myself? someone who has no idea who she is?
flexible but you know what?

i'm not quite who i thought i was.
what's it to you?
who go