eyedream kisses imposter 030912
imposter thanks eyedream with tears 030912
eyedream don't be afraid

I know what loneliness is

don't be afraid
imposter Thank you.

reaches out in the darkness for a hand to hold
doyouwantme you can hold my hand 030913
imposter I will take it, if you are willing. 030913
magicforest cries 041003
x twisted x i wish. i dont think it ever really will be alright...because ill never be satisfied with just "ok". i need it to be amazing...astonishing...i need it to be everything i ever wanted. and the truth is, i have to stop wishing it will be...because it never will come true. ever. 051022
hiperkarma NO IT'S NOT

(what it's in her mind?)
ivyducktwilightseto fuck



just when I thought i had something i realize just how wrong I was

why does this keep happening
*SuPeR^ChIcK* everything maybe ok for a while - it will hit a lull and things will be great, but then the tides will turn and somehow chaos will slip right back in, which will push you and pull you and shape you into something different than you were before. Thus is change and growing and boy does it hurt. 060218
what's it to you?
who go