Joana. I have nothing to lose now
I can do this now
I can call you now
Single mind
Free and happy
I could never be
I’m losing control again
I’m not myself again
She looks at me
She gazes at me
I hate her
She frightens me
I want to be left alone
I want your company
And your warmth
But only for a second
And then you may leave the room
Leave me to the spiders...
To the dust that’s settling around me
And let me die here in peace
I don’t want a future
I want a life
I want you
But we can’t...
He doesn’t exist
But if He does, he’s a cruel creature
And He’s destroying us
He’s eating me
I’m slowly rotting...
And nothing can return to what it was
I can’t make anything make sense
I can’t see you
I can’t see myself
And He’s taking another bite
And it hurts...
It hurts...
I hurt...
kisses sparkles! 040925
what's it to you?
who go