User24 goddammit, respectification IS a word. 030923
misstree of course it is. you're right. in fact, i swear i will use it at least five times tonight, just to make sure the rest of the world knows it as well. 030923
User24 :-) excellent, I thought it was, thankyou for your noble efforts, I offer my deepest respectification to you. 030923
endless desire i like it.
5 times for me, as well.
Strideo does this word deserve respectification?
pipedream absoulement! right there with sentification, pontification, fornication and blatherfication :D 030923
misstree i only got around to 3 before i got so piss drunk i couldn't say anything beyond two syllables anymore. 030924
Strideo you best respectify!
Death of a Rose Can we be respectificationally? 031014
nick Respectification is more of an on going process for me... some people don't get enough credit, and some too much. Effort on my part that keeps the respect alive... that's respectification.

of course left alone it might decay into condesenditarianism
misstree yeah... gonna be echoing strideo for a few days... "you best respectify, beyotch! you want some? you wanna go? you best respectify!"

is feeling uppity. and pyst.
andru235 all i'm asking for is a little respectification #♫ 050927
Doar and lets respectify

what's it to you?
who go