claudia i only recently introduced this concept to my friends. a regular pyjama party, like girlies used to have back in grade six. only minus the clothing. apparently they didn't like the idea and now all of them refuse to share a room with me. my pyjamaless party has now been reduced to me naked in a room by myself. oh dear. 010430
lost I'll come to your pyjamaless party 010501
claudia yay! guests. it was geting very lonely, being naked my myself and all. with movies and cold pizza and nobody to share it with. 010501
keeper sounds like my kind of place 010501
lost i'm definetly there. 010907
Aimee count me in!!! naked time is something I live for!!!! 010907
Inanna If it is too hot, why not go naked?
If you've got it, flaunt it. If not, hide it. The real question is, what is it? It is fun to be naked with the right person. Sorry your friends were not very fun. It is better to have no friends than the wrong friends. I don't wear pajamas.
lost neither do i. i sleep in the nude. sometimes when it's extremely cold i wear boxers vut generally it's nude for me. 010912
wet dream yeah! 010912
the cheer-up kid Let's all dance naked at the_party_at_the_end_of_the_world 010912
what's it to you?
who go