unhinged 'democracy itself has been radically transformed by the dissemination of neoliberal rationality to every sphere, including politics and law. thus, distinctly political meanings of 'equality' 'autonomy' and 'freedom' are giving way to economic valences of these terms, and the distinctive value of popular sovereignty is receding as governance through expertise, market metrics, and best practices replaces justice-framed contestations over who we are, what we should be or become, what we should not do as people. democracies are conceived as requiring technically skilled human capital, not educated participants in public life and common rule' - wendy brown

and the democrats wag their fingers at people for not voting, obama goes to europe and blames us for our low participation rates. democrats did more to neoliberalize this country than republicans ever could and obama was screaming at the top of his lungs about the most neoliberal trade deal in history (the tpp had a clause that allowed corporations to sue governments for ANTICIPATED loss of profits because of regulations) while hillary was trying to say she had decided to no longer support it even though she helped write it. and then she never campaigned in the rust_belt and then wondered why she lost all those states. fucking idiots
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