Nation to Nation Crooked smiles are a radiation I would willingly submit to for you to ask me the unasked question. A smirk, an oily expression broken into pieces with your odd tilt. 040407
megan the words last night...
i have never been on drugs in my life
when my wisdom teeth come out they gave me vicodin
it was interesting to say the least
i floated until 4 30 am and then ate instant mashed potatos and more pills
your words... they linger...
pd my breath, my fingertips, my skin

trailing, looping the loop, skating softly, smoothly, deliberately

just delighting in the way you feel
jane abusing_of_the_rib 040409
ethereal I like the way it feels when you dance along my skin. You know? 040409
ethereal I wish you'd dance on my skin a little more. 040410
pete and i wish i could 040410
Borealis you know all you have to do is scratch on my window screen.
and I'll dance all night long
ethereal You're on the second floor... 040410
ethereal no wait, isn't that like the, fifth floor? 040410
Nation to Nation step.....pause......pivot.....step....step....sweep arms.....backtrack....hmmm... 040411
Borealis I can vouch for what you're capable of, given the right motivation.

*Dips the previous speaker*
Nation to Nation I've been dipped. Do it again. 040411
Borealis I'll do it again, but it'll cost you. 040411
Nation to Nation Can we barter a trade agreement for said dipping? 040713
jane abusing_of_the_rib 040713
pete *shivers* 040714
what's it to you?
who go