User24 My ambition is to be a professional thinker for an I.T. company, the following questions are intended rhetorically, but you can answer me if you want..


Think carefully before commiting yourself to a project;

Is your idea an extension of an existing system / does it rely on existing systems?

If so, to what degree?

What are the known faults with the systems you will be using?

What are the costs and benefits, specifically, what material benefit can be made?

How can you make it attractive to clients?

How else can you achieve the same goal?

What is the demand?

Can you generate demand?

How capable are you, individually, of realising this goal?

What potential for expansion is there?

Is it ethical?

Have you thought of the best possible use for your idea, or are there better things you can do with it?

What are the unique selling points?

List reasons why people will not like it.
endless desire shiney ribbon. for the attractiveness.
shiney ribbon. for the demand.
faults. shiney ribbon can be expensive.
aww well. i think you will do very well with this job. your rhetorical questions are very stumping, espcially if you don't have a business.
User24 thanks, I think it'll be a good few years yet (like, 15)

I don't have a business, but I do work in quite a small one.
endless desire what kind of business?
what do you do?
User24 is a I program php and mysql websites.
professional geek.
what's it to you?
who go