fyn gula the woodpecker, upon hearing puppertwinkle's angry questions concerning her identity, was, (diffcult for her to admit) scared shitless.

she was proina's aerial commander sent to survey the holocaust of the fall of birds. did it accomplish its predestined task? her mission was to also pose as an injured bird, act as though she had barely survived the tragedy and then emerge as frau werzenwozen's replacement, for it was not emotional exhaustion that caused her to pass out. it was a poison that the woodpecker had slipped into her drinking water when attention was elsewhere. the woodpecker's ultimate job was to lead the travelers into proina's clutches where they would be destroyed before boffden's plan of uniting saumboo and dennis browne could be fulfilled.

but, of course, she did not confess anything of what she really was or disclose any fragments of her agenda.
instead, as her name implied in the french, she was pretending to be a victim of proina's wrath like thousands of other innocent birds, some of which had to be scratched off the endangered species list because they were simply wiped out, gone for good.

"my name is feignez," she said, continuing to act as the grateful recipient of their succor. "i am the only survivor of proina's historical fall of birds."

"feignez?" saumboo said to himself, and he immediately translated the french to english. "pretend?" he said to himself.
"i wonder who she really is?"
what's it to you?
who go