unhinged the day goes from 16 hours to eight hours
the blankets of clouds block out the sun for weeks
the weather forecasters talk about lumens
how weak, anemic the sunlight becomes because of all the oppressive clouds

fuck a lumens
i got vit d and mood+ probiotic pills
and legal weed
ever dumbening i was up there for a work christmas party in '08. i walked into a store to grab a phone charger. the greeter said hello and asked about the weather then simultaneously investigated for themselves by looking past me towards the window commenting, "oh the sun is out." i couldn't resist responding, "you've lived here too long; you're confused. the sun is not out, the clouds have merely lifted slightly near the horizon [which the sun was nowhere near] allowing in a bit more light." 171126
f I really like that!
Maybe the person wasn't expecting such a brilliant reply?
unhinged way easier than
winter in milwaukee

but somehow
the people are shittier
what's it to you?
who go