paste! who is better overall? in a wrestling match? in a chess match? in a pie-eating contest?

my money's on snarf, 3 outta 4, except for the chess battle.
florescent light Alf is definatly smarter, hands down-
though I can't stand him

Snarf and I are gonna get married.
KISA Snarf. If e lose chess he break bored 060426
p2 on the one hand
snarf has a tail
that can be used for striking
on the other
alf eats cats
and the thunderian race
seems to be feline based

an interesting battle indeed...

i'll have to go with snarf
who has more battlefield experience
alf's had a soft life
living with the tanners
LS Noway. Snarf was a coward and spent half the first season cowering on the floor of the thundertank or in a bush.

Alf on the otherheand was brave enough to take out a mutated cockroach the size of The Rock.

Plus, if you saw the cartoon, Alf did some pretty amazing stuff back on his home planet...
p2 by jaga
not only did i watch the cartoons
i had the alf comic christmas comic books

while it's true
snarf is a bit cowardly
he's had his moments too
he once saved all the thundercats
using his ability to talk to animals
p2 alf christmas comic books
what's it to you?
who go