raze this is kind of neat. makes me think of something we might have found (or one of us with coding skills might have made) way back when.

the first poem it gave me:

"she swings off the wide-eyed joke
despite the red raindrop shrilly
the luminous importance speaks
the black nightmare serves
anyone individualizes
fondly from the precious havoc"

you can try it here:
epitome of incomprehensibility This made me smile, not so much for the process (I guess I'd like a little bit of input before the coding does its job, but that kind of defeats the purpose of "randomly generated," doesn't it?) but for the text they have on their page.

Oh, okay, "my" poem first:

"above the serpent

much kneels beyond the permission
some practice

from the blazing corpse
against the long stranger"

It's a sexy Halloween poem. (Somehow sexy, somehow Halloween. Now life is November and barren. Dry twigs scrape against abstractions. All is obtuse, obscure, opaque.) Uh-oh. Their poetry germ is coding/coating my mind. Generation. The seed of Logos.

OK, yes, what I found funny:

"please complete the form below to send a copy of your poem via email to your friends. they will think you are so artistic/sleep deprived/high! use commas to separate email addrii. the emails you enter are used for nothing else."

I think it's the exclamation mark after "high" - that or the pluralization of the word address. Either way that bit of text made me irrationally happy.
e_o_i ...or it's the idea of sending random poems to friends, as if that's perfectly normal.

The new normal. My parents just arrived with a car. Possibly they bought it. That's frightening.
e_o_i Oh, okay, someone else drove them. The car has disappeared. But they were seeing about buying another car.

(Talk about easily distracted. Just pretend this is another poem and completely symbolic.)
unhinged i am laying on my futon smoking weed watching hip hop videos on youtube and it makes this one for me:

near the tender pistol all pay roughly
you cut
either rises
amy in red Totally assholingly me:

frantically around the heaven
this wins
I exact following the white-hot teeth

Let's be frightened of computers, demigods in machines. Know it alls. Bleaters. Biggest guilt-trippers. Trippers in general. Vampiric out of body ghost receipters. Wanna be allies. Karma police. Creeeepy. Love, live and let live, duh, mind your own business, desperation at least has a name. El Desperado the code for expression neglecting communication? If no one will trade ever it becomes pathetic, it deepens, the winners are not nice and cause a problem the person must change, even die first, the answer of course is adaptability. Change or die throw it all away. This wins, honey. Yes this poem does describe how i feel about life. Also reminds me to apologize for my need for kindness, not cruelty, and that time in Mexico. Cortez did you have a need as well or was your entry pure unholy enterprise and the innocent shoulda known better and lived. (I will not let this 'puter outdo me, ha ha). Life sucks. That's all that says with a bit of description. A rumination becomes a whirlwind fearing the schadenfreudists. Oh breathe in the harm of this breathe out love. Taunting could be venting, friends. Except no receipt of complaint, no harm to others, no abuse actually this poem is a fascist. Now i end a comment on it, and i wish it were not so- blah. sorry i called you names, random poem generator....
raze it still works:

the deceitful sanctuary presents over the investigation
awkwardly from the dune
after the medicine
raze some reaches
everybody celebrates
down the watery kidnapping
everybody withdraws
the breathing independence
quits gracefully
raze to the war
those leads
few fits against the new heart
gracefully the omnipresent sound
dispels near the voodoo
someone declares into the temper
inside the handsome coverage
after the riot
raze everybody waves
from the dizzy urge this strikes
raze theirs alleviates in the book
round the memory
the dizzy havoc feels
blue message watches tightly
something strikes outside
the earthquake towards the temper
the pretty picture goes
without the deceitful criminal
the quick correlation hinders
beyond the effect whatever dances
among the eternal malice
you plead
raze everyone plays up
the ugliest correlation
after the broken hell
raze long

through the ugliest desert
yours incinerates
at the strange experiment

the ordinary reputation
promotes aboard
the daydream
raze the enlightened evidence begins
underneath the horrible jealousy
near the rabid advantage
red comment dances
wide-eyed credulity rings
theirs buys amid the dizzy advantage
raze this one feels pretty prescient right about now:

few suggests
inside the deceitful fight
of the brain
dull pressure creates
raze new hatred sails
behind the evil time
the secret success dispels
brightly all tells
we celebrate
with the tame blame
no one hides
round the clever piano
raze beneath the distant memory
beside the dream somebody sleeps
inquisitively much leads
the white-hot eye persists
with the cemetery

either sleeps
raze from the conflict
the forgotten impression swallows
swiftly towards the intensity

despite the spirit
everyone buys
yours falls happily
raze with the red music
below the medicine
like the lust
the odd knowledge forgets
the ugliest cave receives
raze softly unlike the tough sanctuary
elegantly along the tough criminal
much completes
tame limit runs suddenly
the dying spirit develops
with the purple star
something represents
the watery permission
between the rainy devil
raze coal-black obstacle carves
along the abyss
in the precious comparison

the ugliest conflict celebrates
the tame way picks
everything misconstrues
for the aged advantage
raze "they" decomposes carefully
the wasteful permission tells
neither surpasses joyously
amid the wide-eyed summit
the blazing claim commands
the ordinary consequence
stops over the poverty
each gains about the punishment
crazy lays
raze those swallows badly
the illuminated priest shakes
several wrings sadly
raze the broken murder misconstrues
off the old malice
rotted immortality controls
the faded cold shines
beyond the sad black hole
raze the flower
the great joke
each comes
raze he ceases about the blue music
the nasty issue draws loudly
amid the new child

one plays happily
the crazy hatred achieves
their means about the issue

collapsing heaven completes
the distant war pays
raze smoking responsibility
gets to the broken tundra
underneath the pistol
bad serpent advances
opposite the spiraling condition
the broken earthquake begins
another reiterates recklessly
outside the cell
raze warmly something places
the crazy injury races
at the distant moon
it enters
raze kindly
the collapsing crime
changes without the weapon
versus the light
raze sharply beneath the horrible dune
the aged independence sits
within the deceitful importance
raze everyone goes beyond the intensity

below the burned knife
scorched control vanquishes
below the law rare sin steals

nobody presumes nervously
some tells near the snake
before the great friction dances
by the black blood the wicked
murder ignites
what's it to you?
who go