wondering who are you? you remind me of people 060315
eatingstars interesting you should ask.
i am not exactly sure who i am.

i used to be slash am slothisily.
and several other names similar to trees and stars and forests and robots.

as to reminding you of people, i hope your rememberings have been pleasant.
crOwl my favourite girl. 060507
eatingstars why is this such a hard question?
does anyone ever know who they really are?
is who i am even definable?
am i not someone different to everyone, even though i am only one person?
because whether i want to or not, i act differently around every person, because every person is different.
so no, i don't know who i am, i am different than i thought i was used to be, i am different than i will be in the future.

but i am still me, and i feel like i should be able to define me. who am i?
i am a girl
i have brown curly semi long hair and brown eyes
i am short
i like things that smell good
there are so many facts about me i could go on forever
are these facts really who i am?
i don't know.

and am i really your favorite?
you seem pretty crowl-ish, that's pretty cool.
i like you too.
feeling crOwlish you really are.

because you have questions about yourself.
crowlish cr0wl and besides, i want to eat a star. 060509
eatingstars haha me too. i liked your incorporation of my name in the finest lines. 060509
megan your name reminds me of those dairy queen treats we would get-- starkisses i think
they were so good
eatingstars my name reminds me of living in space all alone
encapsulated by the big soft darkness
eating some stars here some stars there
floating along worrying about nothing
crOwl asks what do they taste like? 060917
eatingstars they taste like comfort and delight and warmth and they fill the space that we try and try to fill but never really succeed. 060917
crOwl i'm hungry for some of that. 060917
eatingstars (happy thoughts make a happy person
sad thoughts make a sad person)

a person makes a person
a me makes a me
a you makes a you
we are we i am me you are you we are we
cr0wl oh yeah! you finished my painting! i'm so excited to see it...
i've already started on your magazine...

i know it's sad for you to give it away, but perhaps somehow there will be a suprise in your magazine concerning it...
sur prise! 080926
crOwl thank you so much for the paintings...i absolutely love them. i already put them in a great spot in the robin_hill farmhouse. and thanks for the sweet note.

they're so well done and colorful. i like how the one robot is actually getting carried away. and the other one is perhaps getting carried away in its thoughts.

what a grand surprise to come home to...! it made me extremely happy.

i'm already working on your magazine.
please be patient....they take time.

eatingstars i'm glad you like them!
i really wish i had remembered to send you the preview drawing, as well.
thanks for the kind words about my paintings.

i am quite excited about the magazine you're making, i'm sure it will be wonderful!
i totally understand the time issue,
i am actually quite surpri(z)ed with how quickly i finished your project.
cr0wl thank you for your sweet words in

what an honor to have visited you in your dream. i am extremely fascinated by dreams and who i meet and what i experience. some dreams are so textured and sensory that waking brings great frustration and disappointment, yet attempting to perpetuate their enigmatic life in poetry, stories, art, or film is somehow a fair trade.
eatingstars it's the same tonight as it has been every night, time for sleep but avoiding it, wishing for more me time. days keep fleeing by, leaving me in a daze of monotony. i am happier, but i can't help but dwell on the feeling of emptiness lurking in the back of my mind. what's missing? i wish i knew. there's always something missing.

i fill a part of each day with language.

i've been learning german so that one day i can travel to german speaking countries. i think after german i'll continue to develop my spanish skills, and then maybe i'll learn some french. i don't know why i've been so fascinated with language lately, i guess i just want to know what it's like to be everywhere and if i'll still be the same me while i'm there, even if i can never travel to everywhere.

i've been watching lots of movies.

i've noticed that i've switched from either reading a book or longing to read a book or being lost in the characters of a current book with every free moment to watching movies. i'm not sure quite what triggered the switch, or when it happened, but i don't think i like it. books keep piling up, but with little more than an initial desire to read, so i leave a sea of partially read books. movies require less of my energy and less of my emotion. it'd be nice to have a better balance, a few books, a few movies, perhaps one day. nonetheless, i have watched several amazing movies.
among them :
invisible heroes - an superb movie taking place in the aftermath of a suicide

away we go - a lovable journey of a couple trying to figure out where they belong

city of god - a traumatizing movie depicting the lifestyle of a slum in Rio de Janeiro

defiance - jews who take to the forest to survive wwII

true romance - true love... quentin tarantino style

inglourious basterds - i just loved this movie

igby goes down - well, igby doesn't fit in, and neither do i

but i'm a cheerleader - megan's "friends" and family send her to a home where gays and lesbians are "treated." everything about this movie is awesome.

machuca - a tale of two friends with families on opposite sides of the political battle in Santiago in the 70s

i am saving money for an epic journey in the spring/summer of next year (hopefully). maybe i'll visit an area near you.
cr0wl very exciting news. have you been painting? 091013
eatingstars not too much lately, but i have some new ideas i plan on setting into motion. tomorrow is the day! 091018
PeeT i miss you here. i wonder how you are and hope you are doing well. i have a painting of yours on my wall. 130212
raze i still have the paintings you sent me too, from way back when i sent you "the_chicken_angel_woman_with_a_triangle". some days that monster with the green background still kind of looks the way i think i would, if i looked the way i feel. i hope you are still painting and doing things that make you happy, wherever your life has taken you. 130213
what's it to you?
who go