unhinged this dishes are piling up
no more room in the sink to hold them
the small countertop
also covered with crusty dishes
unrinsed glass and plastic bottles

if i would have just washed them days ago

they should be soaked now
less effort to
release the crusty pieces
make them clean again

if i would have just washed them days ago
past . 090501
Lemon_Soda . 090501
ergo Where is my once a week clean freak dream lover. 090501
past it seems like i only clean before i travel. 090501
unhinged for almost two years, i had a roommate that loved doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom. least i didn't have to ask him, he just did them on a regular basis. it was nice to come home to a surprisingly empty sink, especially since i intensely dislike doing dishes. it was one of my chores as a kid, and we didn't have a dishwasher until i was 14.

weird, when i lived with sean, i couldn't wait to get my own place. but now i see the distinct advantages to having a good roommate.
what's it to you?
who go