sab in rapid sucession
that im such a fucking martyr
and it makes me so angry inside
while on the outside i bow gracefully out,
i dont fight
i say - its ok
i understand
dont worry about it

and then it occurs to me
that now, again
im paciently waiting for something
for someone
i sit back on my heels
and leave it to someone else

i never fucking learn
and thats hard enough to accept
without, on top, the_worst_thing_in_the_fucking_world

angry, angry girl
the sanity assassin at the driest, most base scientific levels

the strange old buddhist who used to spam us was not wrong

the loftiest stars
the lowest pile of shit
and all of us in between are all just different configurations of common atoms

i would have despaired of this once

but despair was too often my natural state in those days

now it's a warm chuckle

tell me suck insight isn't weirdly comforting and_i_will_show_you_how_wonder_you_are
what's it to you?
who go