kim Rain falls on changing leaves
trickles down the trunks of trees
It's falling softly in a comforting way
Like tears that are shed for better days

The sky is crying someone will say
For a life that was lived yesterday
It's crying for the death of dreams
The air's sighing because of the
loss it's seen.

The world continues on its path
Turning in circles going too fast
Trying to quickly put things in the past

So we have no choice
but to continue and dream
Then sometimes wonder what
could have been.
EECP I did not know kara, in fact I don't know you, but your poem is beautiful. It is touching and very special. I think your sharing it is an exercise in love. I just wanted you to know that it touched me. 001214
kim thank you's been so long..i'd forgotten that i was here...and that this is where i left kara... 050503
what's it to you?
who go