IKC 56-80 i think so brain ...

- but wouln't i need TWO tongues for that? (and i swear to god he said that on TV)

-- but how are we gonna get the spandex on the elephants?
IKC 56-80 -- Umm, i think so brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size? 020811
Ariadani "i think so brain but...

~me and pippy longstocking, i mean, what would the children look like?

~if jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it?

~where are we going to find a duck and a hose this hour?

~this time, you wear the tu-tu

~burlap chaffes me so"
birdmad "i think so brain,

but how are we gonna get the hippopotamous to wear th beach thong?

but if we didn't have ears we'd look like weasels.
D y a n n e Isn't making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool? 020813
D y a n n e I think so Brain

But shouldnt we try to help that person drowning? oh your right lets eat lunch first
. pinky 020817
oppressed_youth I think so, but if they called them "sad meals" they wouldn't be nearly as popular. 020818
Ahmad i think so brain, but how r we gona put the stamp on the envilope when we r in int? 020820
IKC 56-80 Narf! 020821
Unrecognized Pinky, Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

I think so Brain, but what if the hippopotimus won't wear the beach thong?
. . 040818
pete she talks to angels...

so who are the angels?
unhinged invader_zim is on hulu now 190310
what's it to you?
who go