80s movie birdmad Dioretix the science of matter over mind 021114
IKC 56-80 "He was only five foot three
Girls could not resist his stare

Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole"

"They look like sausages."

My dad just bought this DVD yesterday, and i just got through watching it... and fuck the RIAA, i downloaded whatever i could get off the soundtrack, though i'll end up buying the soundtrack CD later anyway because most of the tracks i burned were kinda low quality

this movie rocked me into next week already
x i tried to fall asleep watching it, so he would fall asleep, and then i could go to bed. but he fell asleep on my shoulder.
i wasn't really asleep so it was hard not to giggle.
ferret does he repo things? 030914
IKC 56-80 ferret... find it, rent it, sit down and watch it and let the sublime freakiness of this movie peel your brain like the layers of an onion 030914
x RADIATION, yes indeed! 030914
birdmad Let's go do some crimes... 030916
what's it to you?
who go